Child Custody

When parents separate or become divorced, custody will be determined and a “child access plan” or “parenting plan” will be determined. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arrangement themselves, either alone or via settlement, a judge will decide what arrangement will be in the best interest of the child. Sometimes, a best interest attorney will also be appointed to your matter.

Custody issues are not limited to biological parent disputes. Wendy is also skilled in providing representation in third party custody matters, de facto parenthood cases and adoption.

Sometimes custody cases involve other states, whether a parent wishes to move, a parent has relocated without the consent of the other or whether it is simply an interstate case. Wendy is skilled in these types of Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) cases where she helps to either bring your custody matter to Maryland or ensure that the case is removed from Maryland to the more appropriate venue.
